What are Hourly Comics
Hourly Comics are a thing invented by John Campbell, the basic idea being that for every hour that you are awake, you must draw a comic about something that happened to you in that hour. The end result is a sort of journal in comic format. I draw them on a loose "every other month" schedule, starting in February. I draw them on my tablet computer, which I carry around with me most places. I started in late high school, I'm currently in college.
"Main Characters"

I am sam the guy who draws these comics.
I am sam the guy who draws these comics.

Nick is my roommate, we know each other from high school.
Nick is my roommate, we know each other from high school.

Dana is a buddy of ours who lives just down the hall and is basically our third roommate.
Dana is a buddy of ours who lives just down the hall and is basically our third roommate.

Serenity is my girlfriend! Long distance stuff because college.
Serenity is my girlfriend! Long distance stuff because college.

Anne is my buddy, she's good.
Anne is my buddy, she's good.

- Where I live and attend college. I'm here most of the time.
Cedar Falls
- This is where I grew up. Travel between Ames and Cedar Falls is common.
Common Restaurants
- A wide assortment of asian places, mainly family-owned ones like Mongolian Grill and China Wok, with some Panda Express in there for when I want a pile of asian fast food. Clyde's is a sports grill across the street from my dorm.
- My employer, a grocery store chain centered mostly in Iowa.